Guide to changing your account Scheduling Software Change Effective May 14, 2021

As of May 14th, 2021, we are changing our scheduling software from Mindbody to fitDEGREE!  

In order to utilize our new booking platform, we have updated the website to house all of our offerings as well as a new Login/ Register button in the upper right corner designed to help you create an account. 

Please note that as a new user to this platform, there are a few steps to take in order to claim and verify your account. Those technical steps are outlined below. Should you have any issues during this process, please reach out to their support team directly via email at

  1. We ask that you visit our website directly -

  2. Please click on the “Login” button if you’ve been here before, or “Register” button if you’re brand new.

  3. That button will then redirect you to a page where you can create your account. For existing students logging in, choose the login button in the top right corner, then click “Create Account”. If you’re registering for the first time, simply follow the prompts.

    IMPORTANT: When registering or logging in, please list the email address you previously used (aka the email address that is receiving this communication) so that the system can link up to any information and former purchases you would have made before the change-over. 

  4. After you fill out all of your information, you will be prompted to create a password and this does not have to be the same from our previous Mindbody platform. 

  5. Once your account is created, open your email and verify the account.

  6. Once you click the verify button it will ask you to opt in or out of emails, this screen will automatically save, you can close it out once you have made your selections.

  7. Return to your account and click Manage emails 

    1.  If your account says VERIFIED you can close this screen 

    2. If your account says NOT VERIFIED, please click the email and resend the verification

  8. Once email has been verified, you can close the Manage emails screen

  9. From here, if you have an account already it will ask you to link your account to the studio (this will allow you to access your memberships and class packages)

  10. Once all of these steps have been completed, you are all set to register!

Unsure on how to use our new interface? Check out our resource guide for step-by-step instructions and videos to get you started!

And again, if you have any questions or need any additional assistance with your account, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to the fitDEGREE support team via